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Willesborough Junior School

OUR SCHOOL GOVERNORS                 

Willesborough Infant and Junior school formally federated on the 15th of January 2019.  On this date, a new Willesborough Schools Governing Body formed which takes responsibility for the strategic leadership and management of both schools.

Co Chair of Governors:  Liesl York

Co Chair of Governors:  Steve Rippin

Vice Chair:  Lyn Greenfield

Executive Headteacher:  Fran Rusbridge

Co-opted Governor:  Mark Hirst

Co-opted Governor: Barney Hall 

Co-opted Governor:  Rev Jabson Watson

Parent Governor:  Ashley Skilton

Parent Governor:  Monna Chowdhury

Local Authority Governor: 

Staff Governor:  Julie Larcombe

Associate Governor:  Shelly King

Associate Governor:  Kitty Healy

Associate Governor:  Tom Head

Associate Governor:  Andrea Cooper

Associate Governor:  Felicity Eastwood

Clerk to the Governing Body:  Kerry Percival-Smith

October 2021 - Welcome new Governors, Steve Cooper, Mark Hirst and Barney Hall, all Co opted. 

Steve Cooper is the CEO of 'Cry in the Dark' a charity that supports disadvantaged Romanian children and young people. Mark Hirst is the pastor of Willesborough Baptist church. Barney Hall is the pastor of Gateway church. As well as challenge and support, as members of our Governing Body. Steve, Mark and Barney offer further opportunity to reach out and link with our community. 


To view an expandable version of the Governor table please click here.

The role of the governing body is a very rewarding one.  We work as a team and are there to offer support challenge and advice, helping the school set high standards and targets for school improvement.

Our governing body is responsible for the strategic direction of the school, to act as a “critical friend” andit  is committed to ensuring that Willesborough Infant School provides the best possible education for all our children.  We work as a team and meet in full once a term.  A great deal of work goes on between our meetings, supporting the work of the Headteacher and her staff who are responsible for leading and managing the school on a day-to-day basis.

'The Governor' Magazine

Our Chair of Governors, Liesl York wrote a piece for 'The Governor' magazine about our school's journey to obtaining the Governor Mark:

Governor Visits

During the year our Governors visit the School and carry out monitoring checks with a focus on many aspects of school life including: 

  • Curriculum provision
  • Staff development
  • Attendance
  • Health & Safety
  • Safeguarding
  • Special events

Since Covid restrictions have lifted, Governors have wasted no time in getting back into school. They have carried out monitoring visits on staff wellbeing, curriculum intent, implementation and impact, attendance and health and safety. 

Steve Cooper and Ashley Skilton reported on their observations of curriculum subject leaders discussions with Senior Improvement Advisor, Mary Priestly, in November 2021

"Leaders spoke about the composites and components of their subject. All leaders spoke eloquently about the curriculum and how they have been part of the creation of a new and developed curriculum with clear intent and implementation. I began to understand the process of putting a unique curriculum together, ensuring NC requirements were achieved and ambitious and that the needs of the children across KS1 and KS2 were met. Yardsticks were discussed which showed how the curriculum was made progressive, developing skills and knowledge e.g.: What would a historian in Y1 look like? My understanding is that this allows teachers in each year group to know what their children have been taught previously and will be learning in the future. Leaders were able to discuss how they have evaluated the yardstick in their subject and identified gaps or skills that may be repeated. They could also explain how they have led staff meetings to share this with staff" 

 Steve Cooper

Co-Opted Governor