School Uniform
Year 3 – Year 6 Pupils
-Willesborough Junior School green logo/plain sweatshirt or Willesborough Junior School green logo/plain cardigan
-*White polo shirt
-*Grey school uniform style skirts, trousers, shorts or dresses (not jogging trousers or jean type clothing)
-*Green and white checked gingham dress or culottes may be worn in the summer
-*Grey or black socks and tights
Year 3-Year 6 PE Kit:
-*Black or navy PE shorts
-*Yellow PE polo shirt
-*PE bag
-*Dark green or black joggers
-*Dark green or black shorts
Children are to come to school dressed in their PE kits on their PE days. Parents/Carers will be notified about the change of PE days at the start of each new term.
-Children need to wear sensible, black, ‘school-type’ shoes, with black soles should be worn, without high heels
-Trainers are to be worn for PE days only
-Open toe sandals are not allowed for safety reasons
Swimming Kit:
Parents/Carers will be told in advance if their children are taking part in school swimming lessons.
For swimming lessons, the children will need to be provided with:
-A swimming costume
-A towel
-A pair of goggles
-You may want to provide your child with a swimming hat
-Pupils should not wear extreme hair fashions, including dyed or streaked hair, and styles such as spikes, Mohicans and images or lines should not be cut into their hair.
-Hair bands, clips etc. should be discreet designs in colour compatible with school colours and only used in order to keep hair in place
-Be mindful of the use of hair gels, waxes, oils, mousses and any other styling products. These can affect health & safety in PE because some of the styling products have been coming off onto the PE mats, causing them to have a slippery surface which is dangerous for the children.
The only jewellery allowed in school is a pair of small earring studs for health and safety reasons. Jewellery or symbols, as part of a religious or cultural reason can be worn.
Children are not permitted to wear jewellery, including pierced earrings, during PE lessons. The fundamental reason not to wear earrings (or any jewellery) is that it can lead to injury for the wearer and for others in the class.
Earrings should ideally be taken out at home on PE days. They must be removed by the child themselves for PE and swimming.We recommend children come to school without earrings in on swimming and PE days. If not, they must take them out and replace them themselves. Staff are not allowed to tape over, take out or put in earrings. Children are responsible for their own earrings if they are taken out at school.
We encourage parents to make use of the summer holidays for ear piercing. This will enable ears to heal before returning to school in September. See Appendix A for an earring disclaimer if children/parents are unable to remove earrings.
Make up, tattoos and coloured nail varnish are not allowed.
Our schools are proudly taking part in OPAL – Outdoor Play and Learning Programme. They are encouraged to play outside regardless of the weather and so therefore we ask that they have the following equipment to ensure that they are ready for the OPAL experience.
-Waterproof coat in school daily – they need to be prepared for any change in weather
-Welly boots and outdoor waterproof clothing (preferable an all in one piece or trousers and a spare coat) that can stay at school all of the time in the facilities provided for storage
-Winter/summer accessories so that the children can always access OPAL
Winter: fleeced waterproof coat, wooly hat, gloves and scarf. Your children may want to come to school wearing thermals to keep them warm during the colder weather.
Summer: Hat and suncream applied prior to the children coming to school. The children can apply suncream if they need to, but they need to be able to do this themselves.
Where to purchase it:
Our school uniform can be purchased via PMG Schoolwear - PMG Schoolwear - Welcome. You need to select Willesborough Infant School/Willesborough Junior School in the drop down list to be taken to all of the uniform you can purchase via PMG Schoolwear.
The provider has all of the school uniform, however, the only logo items we ask for are the Willesborough Infant/Willesborough Junior School jumpers and cardigans.
All items without the school logo (that have a * above) can be purchased via local supermarkets.
We also regularly sell second-hand uniform. Our PTA arrange a second-hand uniform sale where you can purchase uniform. We also have a rail in the front entrance which is regularly topped up if you do need any items.
If you would like to speak to someone about school uniform please do contact our FLO team who will happily help.
Please click on the link below to see our uniform policy;